The mod is a creation by fadingsignal and you can download it here! DogMeat and Strong Armor by TumbaJamba and MunkySpunk – Fallout 4 Dogmeat Armor Mod. Fallout 4 Dogmeat Armor Mods - thebestmods. Install using your mod manager of choice. Compatible with everything, as it’s a simple armor like the vanilla Dog armors, nor does it edit leveled lists or. Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat - Nexus Mods. This armor is sourced from the vanilla combat armor components, and so supports all vanilla materials.
Suffice to say, at the end of it, you will have a set of REAL upgradeable armor for Dogmeat to wear, and the ability to craft it at the chem bench.
There's not really much to say lore-wise about this mod without ruining the miniquest. DogMeat and Strong Armor by TumbaJamba and. Note that the armor values apply to any dog equipped with armor, not just Dogmeat! Updates: v1.01
It comes in 3 armor value versions as well as versions that render the armor invisible only on Dogmeat.
Real Armor for Dogmeat! This mod gives dog armor, collars and helmets real armor values based off of the values on Combat Armor Chest pieces. Real Dogmeat Armor at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community. A fully extended whip antenna camera mast most stealthy than a crouching human, then there are large cats like panthers so equiped, who could leap and climb. Most dogs would be smaller and steathier than a advlt human crouching and far more manuverable. No reason a player couldn't replace the tablet with a pip boy, and the camera mast and radio antena be slim and telescoping like the power antenna of a car. These intruder rigs allow handlers with a tablet to see what their dog sees with a mast mounted moveable camera and whisper commands by two way radio.